Hi, Assalamualaikum Salam 1 MALAYSIA. Welcome to my blog | Be Yourself, Accept Yourself, Value Yourself, Forgive Yourself, Bless Yourself, Express Yourself, Trust Yourself, LOVE Yourself & EMPOWER Yourself

Sunday 23 May 2021

week 3: 17 - 22 May


Assalamualaikum, Happy Hari Raya everyone. How was your holiday? Exciting or not, or just so-so? This year we are still celebrating the new norm. Actually, it is not new because it has been two years since covid-19 hit the whole country. This year is quite challenging because the covid-19 wave is more severe in our country compared to the previous year. But it doesn't matter, and I am confident that all Malaysians can succeed in our country's mission to fight the spread of the covid-19 chain.

This week, all salespersons have been instructed to work from home because the government has implemented Restrictions Movement Control Order in several districts in the Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Region because of the record rate of this area covid-19 infection has increased. Tuesday morning, a meeting was held to arrange the following schedule in the office on a rotating basis. I was instructed to come on Wednesdays and Fridays to work in the office. The purpose of working in this rotating schedule office is to curb the transmission of covid-19. All the leaders also need to come in by turns. Those who will be on duty in the office are also instructed to wear a face mask and are not encouraged to take off the face mask if there are no essential things that require the face mask to be removed.

In the office, everyone is reminded to keep a social distance. The atmosphere in the office is a bit quiet due to working by turn. This job rotation is only limited to 4 hours a day for each salesperson. Some salespersons have to come in the morning session, and some are instructed to go in the evening. For mealtime, everyone has to take turns eating because we are not allowed to dine-in at the restaurant at the moment, so we have to eat in the office in turns to avoid a full pantry. This is the social distance that has been set by management throughout this MCO. This is just a summary for this week. Thank you. See you in the next blog post